3 Eye Problems That Can Be Diagnosed By Your Optometrist

13 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you have glasses or contacts, then you know that you need to go visit the optometrist every few years to have your prescription updated. What you might not know, however, is that when your optometrist is checking your vision, he is also checking for a number of different eye diseases that might be present. You should know a few of the eye problems that can be diagnosed by your optometrist. Read More 

Four Mistakes That Contribute To Eye Irritation In Contact Lens Wearers

9 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Do you find that your eyes often feel irritated as a contact lens wearer? It can sometimes be tough to pinpoint exactly what is causing the irritation. Here's a look at four mistakes that you may be making, which could be contributing to your eye irritation.   Mistake #1: Putting on cosmetics or perfumes after inserting your lenses. If even the tiniest amount of eyeliner, eyeshadow, perfume vapor, or another cosmetic accidentally gets in your eye, your contact lens can essentially trap that product near your eye for an extended period of time, causing irritation. Read More 

4 Things Pregnant Women Need To Know About Contact Lenses

7 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

During pregnancy, many parts of your body change, including your eyes. These changes can make it hard for you to wear your pre-pregnancy contact lenses. Here are four things pregnant women need to know about contact lenses.  How do your eyes change during pregnancy? During the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the shape of your corneas change. Your corneas are the transparent tissues that shield your pupils and irises. Specifically, the corneas become increasingly curved. Read More 

3 Things Parents Need To Know About Juvenile Retinoschisis

2 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

The retina is the light-sensitive tissue that lines the back of your child's eyes. It's made up of ten different layers. Juvenile retinoschisis is a genetic eye condition that causes these layers to separate, resulting in vision loss and other eye complications. Here are three things parents need to know about juvenile retinoschisis. What are the signs of juvenile retinoschisis? Children with juvenile retinoschisis may complain of poor vision. The degree of vision loss varies based on the severity of the splitting as well as the presence of complications. Read More