Help On Adjusting To Progressive Lenses

30 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Progressive lenses allow you to see both near and far objects with the same glasses on your face. They are also less ubiquitous than traditional lenses, which makes them excellent for those who are self-conscious about such issues. Unfortunately, many people experience a few issues when they first start wearing progressive lenses. Here are some helpful tips for getting over such issues:

Look Straight Ahead For Distant Objects

When you want to look at a distant object, don't look at it from the side of your eyes or from the top of the lenses. Those are the places most likely to result in a distortion. Instead, look straight ahead if you want to focus on a distant object; you will have fewer problems that way. This means you should turn your head, rather than your eyes, to focus on an object.

Wear the Lenses Daily

The more you wear your progressive lenses the more you will get used to them. It might be tempting to switch back to conventional lenses when you get frustrated by your new progressives, but that will only worsen the problem. Instead, stick to the progressive lenses every day and pretty soon you will be wondering why you had a problem with the lenses in the first place. You can start wearing them part time once you get used to them.

Test Different Areas of the Lenses

Progressive lenses are made from different types of lenses (without borders) meant for looking at objects at different distances. The general rule is to look at distant objects through the center of the lens and near objects at the bottom of the lens. Of course, you won't only be looking at distant and near objects, there are many distances in between those two extremes. It will take you some time to master which part of the lens should be used for which distant, so the more you test the more you will get better fast.

Don't Look At Your Feet While Using the Stairs

Looking at your feet while going up or down stairs is not a good idea if you are wearing progressive lenses. The part of your lens that will be focusing on your feet isn't meant for objects at that distance; your feet will be out of focus and you will be confused. Therefore, use the stairs as you normally would (without looking at your feet); if you have to look at your feet, turn down your head further than normal to use the top of the lenses.

Hopefully, the above tips will help you get used to your progressive lenses within no time. Consult your optometrist for help with your new eyeglasses if the above tips don't seem to be helping you. 
