How To Identify And Deal With Your Eyesight Issues

15 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

When you suspect that there is something wrong with your vision, you need to determine the cause. There can be different causes for vision issues and it is best to treat any condition early on. By gathering more information, you will have a better chance of dealing with your eyesight issues before they get worse.

Know the Signs

Some people assume that poor eyesight is the first indicator that there is a problem with their vision. Poor eyesight is a good indicator that something is wrong, but you may experience other issues before your eyesight changes.

Reoccurring headaches for example, can be one sign that your vision is getting worse. As your eyes strain to see images or writing, they weaken and can create tension in your head, which leads to a headache.

Another sign is eye irritation such as dryness, redness and pain. Overworked eyes can develop outward signs long before it affects your vision. When these symptoms seem to happen on a regular basis, then it is a good idea to see an optometrist in Surrey, so he or she can evaluate your situation.

Get a Diagnosis

Routine exams are a good way to monitor your vision, especially if you are getting older or have a family history of poor eyesight. During an exam, the eye doctor will determine if you have a condition that causes poor vision.

Myopia for example, is a condition where your eyes can see items close up without any problem, while far items have a tendency to be blurry. Many people are born with the condition, because their eyeball is too long.

Hyperopia on the other hand, means you can see images that are far away, but items right in front of you are blurry. When the cornea inside your eye is flat, this is what can cause hyperopia to affect your vision.

To determine the type of vision issue you are experiencing, the optometrist will test your eyes. Normally, they use a machine that has several types of lenses that simulates different distances. As they change the lenses, the doctor will ask you if the images are getting clearer or more distorted. Based on your answers, the doctor can determine if you have myopia or hyperopia.

Use Corrective Lenses

The good news is that even if you are showing signs of poor eyesight, you have options for correcting your vision. The most common options are glasses or contact lenses that have been calibrated to correct your eyesight.

For those suffering from overworked eyes, you may only need to wear the corrective lenses while driving, reading or watching TV to deal with your eyesight issue. The optometrist will be able to explain your exact needs after a thorough examination.
